Jasper County Missouri Tombstones Vol Forest Park Cemetery (~1987)

Researched, compiled and published by Joan Kunkel of Carthage, Missouri.

The following 167 pages are the complete listing of FOREST PARK CEMETERY. FOREST PARK is located in Joplin-Jasper Co Mo. on Range Line Rd. or Hwy. 71. We compiled this listing from three sources. 1. reading of the stones (spring of 1986), 2. cards on file in the caretakers possession, 3. information from relatives of the deceased. We do realize there are errors as some of the cards are undoubtedly mis-spelled, wrong dates etc. but in a lot of instances that is the only inf. available on the person, so we are using it. If a person appears to have a marked grave the location of the grave can be found by contacting the caretaker.

Please note an * denotes a name out of order and where it should fit in. We do hope you enjoy our work and we do feel it is very complete. A special thanks to Mr. Ray who so generously let us use his records, and to my faithful helper and friend Marie Miller,

Joan Kunkel

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Sections and information in this document:

  • List of individuals and inscriptions from tombstone
  • INDEX of Surnames in the Forest Park Cemetery

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