Genealogy of Fun is a site to share resources and knowledge found while researching family trees.  I have been researching my family tree off and on for three decades.  I have helped family members and others find their birth parents, adopted children and long lost relatives. 

You can check out the family trees I have built on several sites, I have been putting most of my research on one as it is the most used by individuals I have work with.  I will add more as I get permission to share.  Here are the links to my public trees:

This site started because during the pandemic, I purchased several boxes of binders of complied data specifically for the Neosho, Newton County, Missouri and the surrounding areas.  I scanned all the data in the binders to preserve it and make it easier to search for myself; and realized this information could be helpful for others.  All the documents on this site have been scanned and saved in to a searchable PDF.  The source, person who compiled it and any other information is available in the file as it appears.  The majority of these documents were typed using a typewriter and could be difficult to read, but the majority of these documents have an index section.  If you cannot find the name(s) you are looking for, check the index.

If you find errors, missing pages or have questions, please submit a request via our contact page.